January 2017 News

It is January 1st and we hope everyone had a safe and enjoyable holiday season. We were home for all of December and as of late have been able to enjoy some time in the shack fishing. The kids have been having a good time getting out on the lake and taking the sleds out for a ride.
Our sport show season begins this month starting with Schaumburg Illinois. Only doing the 4 shows is not real taxing and actually enjoyable versus the 12 or more shows we did each season many years ago. Please plan to attend one and stop by for a visit. It is always great to see some familiar faces!

This coming season of 2017 will be White Iron Beach Resort’s 100th year of continuous operation. Hope you will be a part of our celebration throughout the 2017 season. We wish everyone a wonderful New Year!

Take care,

Kerry and Sandy




Fishing Reports

We finally have ice thick enough to fish safely on most area lakes. We are seeing ice shacks and trucks out on Shagawa but always important to check ice thickness before you venture out.  The MN DNR page is always a great resource when it comes to safety and ice condition reports. Click here for more info. 
John was out on the 31st and fished crappies. It was a slow go at first but they moved with about 1.5 hours of fishing left and caught the majority of the 15 fish they caught in that spot. The biggest of the bunch, a 15″ slab, was landed but when laid on the ice it to a couple of flops and slid right back down the hole. At least that’s their story anyways!) We are also hearing some good reports of some nice fish being caught on White Iron and Farm Lake.

Area Events


Northland 300 – Snowmobile Event January 18, 2017 – January 22, 2017 | All Day Four day event includes trail riding, banquet and prize drawings. Fees to participate. Grand Ely Lodge 400 N Pioneer Road, Ely, MN, 55731
Dogsled Yurt Adventure January 20, 2017 – January 22, 2017 | 5:00 pm – 12:00 pm Join the International Wolf Center staff as they conduct winter track counts in the Superior National Forest and travel the trails and frozen lakes of wolf range. Fees: Non-member $980, Member $882 International Wolf Center 1396 Highway 169, Ely, MN, 55731
Fun Run – Snowmobile Event January 28, 2017 | All Day Spend a day of fun – either by snowmobile or car – traveling the northland. Money raised goes to support snowmobile trails in the Ely, Tower and Babbitt area. Fees to participate Fortune Bay 1430 Bois Forte Rd, Tower, MN
Ely Winter Fest February 2, 2017 – February 12, 2017 | All Day Ten days of winter fun in Ely. Snow carvings in the park, art in merchant windows, food, music, winter sports and many other events. Fun for the entire family. Don’t miss out on this spectacular annual event! Most events are free. Visit www.elywinterfestival.com for more event information.
Ely Art Walk February 2, 2017 – February 12, 2017 | All Day Tour Ely and view breath-taking artwork created by local artisans. Map of locations available at Ely Greenstone website. Free
Pink Ribbon Riders 11th Annual Snow Run February 24, 2017 – February 25, 2017 All Day The Snow Run is an event open to both men and women, including a welcome social, snowmobile ride(s), awards banquet and more! Grand Ely Lodge 400 N Pioneer Road, Ely, MN, 55731
WolfTrack Classic February 25-26, 2017 | Join us for the Vet Check (VCC) & Pre-race Lasagna Dinner (Senior Center) on Saturday and the race on Sunday (Ely Ball Field). The 6-dog race ends at Tower and the 8-dog race winds around and finishes back in Ely. Award Banquet will be at the Grand Ely Lodge. For more details visit www.wolftrackclassic.com.